Here are some answers to commonly asked questions!

If you dont see your question here, please feel free to contact us!

How do I book?

Easy! You can book online by using any of the 'Book Now' Buttons, you can also call or text us at (808) 339-3320

Where is the nearest airport? Nearest Hotels?

We operate out of the Kawaihae Harbor , on the Northwest Side of the Big island of Hawaii. The nearest airport Kona International Airport (KOA) and we are only 15 minutes away from the Best hotels on the Island.(Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, The Westin Hapuna Beach Hotel, Fairmont Orchid, Mauna Lani, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa Beach Marriot Resort and Spa)

I have never snorkeled before!

Snorkeling is one of the easiest ocean activities you will ever do and our crew are extremely patient and experts in teaching you how! We also have plenty of flotation devices, and if you are a non-swimmer please let us know ahead of time so we can make special preparations.

What's standard gratuity?

Our captains and crew work very hard at making your tour enjoyable, informative and fun so a bit of reward is a welcomed and appreciated gesture. A typical $10 - $20 per person who goes on the tour is customary. Remember they are entertaining you for several hours, more than any waiter or bartender you encounter.

Whats your refund policy?

We have a strict 48-hour cancellation policy. No refunds within that time frame. However if we happen to cancel due to ocean conditions then you will recieve a full refund.

Any restrictions on who can go on the tour?

Due to the sometimes bouncy nature of our ride, people with bad backs, older people who are frail, and children under 5 years old are not to take our tour. Also, we do not allow pregnant women on our tours. Also due to the small ladder on the boat required to enter the boat, we cannot take anyone who is 250 lbs or more.

Is there a restroom onboard?

Unfortunately our boat is not equipped with any restrooms. The only restrooms nearby are at the Harbor that we depart from. Due to how far we will travel by boat we will be unable to go there until the end of the tour.

Will I get seasick?

Our vessel is quite stable and has a tendency to cause less seasickness than other types of boats. However, if you are prone to any motion sickness please take the necessary precautions before hand.

Is the boat shaded?

Our boat is equipped with a bimini top that we put up when the boat is stopped.

Will I see dolphins, turtles, and whales?

Our crew know these waters well and do their best to find all sorts marine life, dolphins, octopus, turtles, rays, and eels. Unfortunately as they are wild animals we cannot guarantee any particual animal sightings.
